Protect Your RV with Mechanical Breakdown Insurance!
It seems like most breakdowns don't happen until you're out of an RV warranty! And if your RV is older than 12 months, most of your coach components are already out of warranty. But there is some good news. Good Sam Extended Service Plan will help pay your RV repair bills whether your RV is new or used!
Good Sam Extended Service Plan (ESP) is mechanical breakdown insurance for RVs. What exactly is mechanical breakdown insurance? It's an insurance policy dedicated to covering parts, labor and repairs for vehicles. And Good Sam ESP's mechanical breakdown insurance will not only cover your RV—motorhomes, 5th wheels, and travel trailers but it will also cover your cars, trucks and SUVs.
So what makes mechanical breakdown insurance special and furthermore, what makes ESP even more special? We're glad you asked. Good Sam ESP covers both new and used RVs and we are the ONLY mechanical breakdown insurance plan available directly to RV owners. To qualify, used RVs can be 12 years or newer, motorhomes with less than 80,000 miles, cars, SUVs and trucks 10 years or newer with less than 100,000 miles.
And if your RV is still under warranty, you can set Good Sam ESP to start once your current warranty expires. You'll even pay less if you set it up now and you'll be eligible right away for the plan's travel benefits.
Our mechanical breakdown insurance is backed by an A+ rated insurance underwriter. Unlike most RV warranties that are backed by the dealership, you'll never have to worry about your mechanical breakdown insurance policy becoming null and void should the company go out of business.