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2/9/2022 – Good Sam Extended Service Plan
It's time to talk about battery maintenance and care. There are several types of batteries, but we will only be discussing 2 types: chassis batteries and coach batteries. With chassis batteries there are few designs that are used: lead acid and gel cell or maintenance free design. But we need to discuss safety first then we will go to cleaning and maintenance.
Before you start to clean or work on a battery you should take some time and put on your safety equipment. First, put on protective shoes so you don't have that big battery fall on one of your toes. Two, some safety glasses or a facemask to protect your body and face from acid splatter or accidental spill. Three, we cannot forget those hands.
They need something to cover them and protect them from the harsh acid that can burn your flesh. It is best to use rubber gloves. Fourth, a mask or respirator if you are dealing with multiple batteries that in large group, can give off gases that are harmful to you if inhaled. With all this in mind let’s now talk about the nitty gritty of battery maintenance.
With the lead acid battery you have to do a few things to keep it in peak performance. Keep the water levels up and the battery clean. The water levels must be maintained or the battery will dry out and it will no longer charge or hold a charge. It uses the liquid in the battery to create the charge and the voltage. If you don’t keep the water levels where they should be you could find yourself in big trouble down some lonesome highway late at night.
The water that should be added to a Lead acid battery is Distilled water. Distilled water will be clean of all the minerals and chemicals that can hurt a battery. If you decide to use tap water the minerals in the water can over time short out the battery and kill it permanently, or the chemical in the water can neutralize the acid in the battery and cause it to go dead. The next thing you want to do is keep the battery clean and free of dust. It has been found that if a battery gets enough dust and dirt on it the battery can slowly discharge and go dead. The other part of the battery that needs to be clean and free of dust is the terminals. The terminals on the battery are the connection point on the battery and provide power to the chassis or the coach. These must be kept clean and free of debris or they will short out and the battery will not charge.
Gel cell batteries do not need much maintenance other than keeping them clean and charged, so you will see a lot of people using these worry-free batteries.
The gel cell batteries still need some maintenance but not as much as the lead acid. First let's start with what you have to do to a gel cell battery. One, keep the battery clean and free of debris. Two, keep the battery terminals clean and tight. Three, if the battery has a condition eye on it check it to make sure that the battery is charged.
The only reason some people like the lead acid battery over the gel cell is that is relatively cheaper. One reason to choose the gel cell is you don't have to worry about an acid spill because the gel cell batteries do not have liquids in them and it is a sealed battery. Here is a very good procedure for maintaining your battery below.